Our Loan Officers will treat you right!
Finding your way around in the home loan money market these days can be confusing, time consuming and, often, downright frustrating. At Citizens Bank, we try to make shopping for a home loan as uncomplicated as possible. We don't play games and we deliver exactly what we promise - a home loan as comfortable to live with as your home itself.
Now, this may surprise you, but when you're ready to secure a home loan, we encourage you to shop around.
You see, frankly, the real difference between one lender and another is not so much the product as it is the process. And the people to whom you entrust that process.
Now, that's where Citizens Bank really excels. Our Loan Officers have been in the home loan business for years and they know the ropes. So, they'll be sure to get you through all the paperwork and into your new home as quickly as possible. And, because they're your neighbors, you know they'll treat you right.
So, if you're in the market for a new home loan, or want to refinance the loan you have, come talk to one of our helpful Loan Officers. We'll map out a loan that's just right for you and see to it that the process is fast, easy and pleasant.
Charleston location at (573) 683-3373 or our East Prairie location at (573) 649-5300.